玛莎拉蒂斩获2024 Fanatec GT2欧洲系列赛Am组车手和车队冠军

The Maserati GT2 car number 2 of the LP Racing team, driven by Philippe Prette on the Barcelona racing circuit
荣光卓绝 所向披靡

2024年10月17日,上海——意式态度先锋玛莎拉蒂出征Fanatec GT2欧洲系列赛的首个完整赛季,于巴塞罗那的加泰罗尼亚赛道(Circuit de Catalunya)落幕,LP Racing车队的菲利普·普雷特(Philippe Prette)驾驶2号玛莎拉蒂GT2赛车于Am组折桂,LP Racing车队荣膺Am组冠军车队。24号玛莎拉蒂GT2赛车的车手Alexandre Leroy为TFT Racing车队夺得季军。在Pro Am组中,Leonardo Gorini和Carlo Tamburini驾驶1号玛莎拉蒂GT2成为亚军车手,并为 LP Racing车队斩获第二名。

回顾本赛季,三叉戟品牌共获得16个杆位(Pro Am组6个,Am组10个)、12场胜利(Pro Am组5场,Am组7场)、7个亚军(Pro Am组2个,Am组5个)、5个季军(Am组5个)。在西班牙的收官赛事中,玛莎拉蒂再次夺得两场胜利:首场比赛,Dinamic Motorsport车队的Roberto Pampanini和Mauro Calamia驾驶67号玛莎拉蒂GT2夺冠,TFT Racing车队的Leroy获得Am组亚军。第二场比赛中,Am组的普雷特锁定胜局(LP Racing车队提起申诉后获胜),Leroy再次获得亚军。



玛莎拉蒂赛事主管Maria Conti表示:“我们最终赢得了Am组车手和车队冠军,并且在另外两个组别也几乎问鼎冠军,这印证了玛莎拉蒂GT2的卓越竞争力。本届Fanatec GT2欧洲系列赛,是我们首次完整出征的赛季,这一路始终伴随着激情与荣耀。我们深知玛莎拉蒂GT2的性能极为出色,五场Pro Am组胜利和七场Am组胜利便是证明,而且我们赢得的胜利比其他任何品牌都多。能为车队和车手提供一辆在前沿技术、卓越性能和驾驶体验上脱颖而出的杰出赛车,令我们非常自豪。让玛莎拉蒂的激情能量和竞速基因于赛道重燃,是我们于赛车领域不断追寻的目标。”

Fanatec GT2 European Series Championship by Pirelli: blue Maserati GT2 car on the Barcelona racing circuit in the October 2024 race weekend
Fanatec GT2 European Series Championship by Pirelli: blue Maserati GT2 car on the Barcelona racing circuit in the October 2024 race weekend
The drivers Mauro Calamia and Roberto Pampanini celebrate the victory in the GT2 championship race in Barcelona on 13 October 2024, holding the number one podium board
The drivers Mauro Calamia and Roberto Pampanini celebrate the victory in the GT2 championship race in Barcelona on 13 October 2024, holding the number one podium board
The Maserati GT2 car of the Dinamic Motorsport team, driven to race victory by Mauro Calamia and Roberto Pampanini in the Barcelona race on 13 October 20
The Maserati GT2 car of the Dinamic Motorsport team, driven to race victory by Mauro Calamia and Roberto Pampanini in the Barcelona race on 13 October 20